Transformations, A Skills-based, Non-denominational Anger Management Program |
We offer Transformations, a ten-session Anger Management Program, for those who have difficulty recognizing and controlling their anger. Participants will learn about their attitudes regarding anger and aggression, increase their awareness of using power and control in relationships, learn skills to calm themselves and to become assertive.
For more information, please contact Reina McSheffrey, TRANSFORMATIONS coordinator, at 613 722-2225, ext. 407 or
Please note:
Transformations is NOT a program for batterers. This program does not address issues of domestic violence or spousal abuse.
For more information, please contact Reina McSheffrey, TRANSFORMATIONS coordinator, at 613 722-2225, ext. 407 or
Please note:
Transformations is NOT a program for batterers. This program does not address issues of domestic violence or spousal abuse.
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Last modified Aug 25, 2009 2:58pm