Vancouver Island, BC
DISCLAIMER -- Private practice individuals are listed for informational purposes only. Although we do our best to ensure that only qualified professionals are listed in our directory, we do not have the ability to individually screen every listing. Prior to seeing any individual, it is recommended that you check with the appropriate professional organization to ensure their qualifications.
Wellspring Counselling Inc.
Private practice
Anger is a powerful motivating emotion, but it can also be destructive if it isn't properly understood, channeled, and redirected. The underlying needs and automatic feelings that are connected with anger are often not conscious. These unconscious motivational emotions and needs are connected to past experiences. Trauma does not only mean the “Big T” trauma of life and death. The “small T” trauma people experience especially in early development where there is no conscious memory of it still sticks with them as an experiential memory in the emotions, body, and impulses. This “Little t” trauma leads to feelings of powerlessness, being stuck, trapped, or overwhelmed. Anger management counseling at Wellspring Counselling Inc. involves a combination of EMDR Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) to help understand the root cause of disproportionate anger and develop new ways of responding that are more constructive. Contact therapists in Vancouver today.
3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2 Map
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Accepting patients: Unknown
Area Served: Vancouver Island
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Family, Marriage and Couple Therapists
Walk-In Counselling
E-Counseling, E-Therapy, Virtual Therapy, Distance Therapy
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Last modified Jan 23, 2023 11:25am