Ontario, ON


What is Abuse and Domestic Violence? Abuse is behaviour used to intimidate, isolate, dominate or control another person. It may be a pattern of behaviour or it may be a single incident. Abusive behaviour might involve acts or words or even neglect.   Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological or financial: Physical abuse is when someone hurts you physically in any way. It includes hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, cutting, stabbing, and shooting. All of these examples are assault, which is a crime in Canada and the United States. Sexual touching or sexual activity is abuse if you do not consent or if ...
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Does any of this sound like you? Traffic is terrible today! It's making me very IRRITATED. My tax return is so complicated. It's making me very FRUSTRATED. I can't believe my mother would say something like that I'm really ANNOYED that my neighbour's garbage keeps getting strewn all over the alley! That driver just cut me off. I'm really IRATE about it! I'm so ANGRY! Read on to find out if you have a problem with managing your anger and what to do about it. Anger and Positive Change ANGER is an emotion that tells us someone or something has interfered with our goals, ...
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Anxiety in Adults
Do I Have an Anxiety Disorder? Do you find that that many of the following apply to you... I am often startled by the smallest thing I worry that something terrible will happen to me or others I am easily irritable I get sudden fears of dying or doing something out of control I often worry that something has not been done correctly even though I know I completed the task properly I am extremely worried about disease (e.g. germs, infections, dirt, dust, contaminates, cleanliness) I need constant reassurance I often find myself doing things repeatedly (e.g. hand washing, showering, tooth ...
Does Your Child Have.. Does your child have any of the following:  Gets fearful or worried about leaving the home, e.g. school or activities? Require a lot of reassurance to calm down?  Fears that are so extreme, that it gets in the way of life? Introduction Dylan is afraid of the dark. Tricia hates to eat in front of other people. Eric becomes sick to his stomach and throws up if he has to speak aloud in class.    Life is stressful. It is normal to have fears and worries. Being worried about things can help us prepare for potential dangers. E.g. being worried about failing a test ...
What is Bullying? Bullying is a form of aggression in which one individual is exposed to deliberately harmful actions by a more aggressive person.  Bullying can be physical (e.g., hitting, pushing, tripping), verbal (e.g., name-calling, insults, put-downs), social (e.g., social isolation, rumours) or cyber (e.g., threats or insults spread through the internet or cell phone).   It is also possible for the same child to be both a bully and a victim. There are also "provocative victims" (a term coined by Olweus, 2001) who display negative behaviours that annoy bullies and lead them to take action.   School bullies ...
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Depression in Adults
What is Depression? Everyone has times when they feel the ‘blues' or when they get sad from time to time. Depression, on the other hand, is a sadness so severe that it can cause: Difficulties functioning at home, work or school Changes in sleep, energy, appetite and concentration, Feelings such as sadness, anxiety, irritability or anger, Low self-esteem or feelings of hopelessness. When extremely severe, people who are depressed may have thoughts of hurting themselves. How Common is Depression? Depression is a common condition that can affect anyone at any age. In any given year, it is estimated that it ...
J's Story J. is a twenty-something who struggles with a fear of vomiting. She remembers the day it started in Gr. 9. She had been sick with the flu and ended up throwing up in class. Since then, her fears of vomiting have been getting gradually worse. She is able to go to her work but other than that, she is not able to leave home. She wishes so badly that she could just go out like others… What is the Fear of Vomiting (Emetophobia)? It is normal to dislike the thought of vomiting and in fact, having just enough fear of vomiting can be helpful. It encourages one to 1) stay away from people who may be sick, and 2) take measures to avoid ...
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Introduction In our lives, we have many relationships, and all of these make a difference to our mental health. When our relationships go well, it helps our mental health. When we have problems with our relationships, it can cause stress and problems for our mental health.   Perhaps the most important relationship in our lives is our romantic relationship, i.e. the one that we have with our spouse, partner, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend...   The following advice about our primary romantic relationship comes from the Gottman Institute, which is dedicated to the study of marital relationships -- what makes them, ...
Polly's Story: "I just can't stop picking my skin!" Polly is a thirty-something who can't stop picking her skin. She’s under a lot of stress at home and work. When watching TV in the evenings, she picks on her face and forearms to the point of bleeding. Summers are stressful because she worries about others seeing the scabs and scars on her arms and legs. She'd like to get help with it, but she's so embarrassed that it's hard to talk to anyone. Introduction  Many people pick at their skin from time to time. People may pick at their acne, moles, freckles, sores, and scabs. They may even pick at things in their skin ...
What is the Secret to Happiness and Mental Wellness?  Everyone wants to be happy, i.e. have mental wellness, the state of well-being where we feel contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure or joy. Throughout history, people have struggled to find the secret to happiness.   Mental wellness can be defined as the “state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and is able to make a contribution to her or his own community” (Health Canada, 2014).    But simply living a life of pleasure is not enough to lead to a life of happiness. A ...
Introduction It's the adult who has never dated because he's too shy to talk to members of the opposite sex. It's the quiet employee who is under-appreciated by his co-workers and underpaid by his company. It's that great, funny person that you know, but who suffers from loneliness because s/he is too shy unless around close friends and relatives... Do I have Social Anxiety Disorder? Do you have any of the following? Significant and persistent fears of social or performance situations in which embarrassment, rejection, or scrutiny are possible.You either avoid such situations, or endure them with distress (e.g. having symptoms of anxiety)The ...
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(Original title "Learn About... Stress", from the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division) Introduction You have a major deadline coming up tomorrow and you still have a ton of work to do. Your child’s principal called; your child is being disruptive…again. You have 12 people coming over for dinner this weekend and you still have no idea what you’re going to make. On top of everything else, your mother isn’t feeling well but refuses to go to the doctor. Your muscles are feeling tense, you find yourself nervously tapping your feet as you sit at your desk. Your thoughts keep racing around in your ...