Ontario, ON

Technology Issues, including Internet, Cellphone, Social Media Addiction

Does Your Loved One Have Any of the Following...  Does your loved one have any of these signs that might indicate problematic video gaming? Playing more than 1-2 hrs a day of video games? Spending so much time playing video games that it causes problems with home, school and extracurricular activities? Neglecting sleep, physical activity, and other basic needs in order to spend time playing video games? Gets upset or irritable when it is time to stop playing, or when asked to stop playing? If your loved one has one or more of these signs, then continue reading to learn more about problematic video gaming and what to do… ...
What is a Technology Contract? On one hand, using technology can bring many benefits. Social media offers the promise of connecting people. Video games can be extremely fun and enjoyable to play.    Unfortunately, when used improperly, technology also has the potential to cause great harm to people.    For this reason, it is recommended that parents use a technology contract, to help children and youth make better choices around their use of technology.    There are various websites that have examples of technology contracts Common Sense Media has technology contracts such as ...
Introduction  Our brains are wired to require strong relationships, attachments and face-to-face social contact with fellow human beings for happiness and well-being. Good relationships and healthy bonds to others keep us resilient and allow us to bounce back from setbacks. Unfortunately, our technologies and devices are so addictive, that many people are more connected to their devices than each other. The very devices that were meant to make life easier for us are now threatening to disconnect us from one another and thus, damage our physical and emotional health...   Children and youth now use technologies that did not ...