ADHD Support Group of Sudbury |
As parents, caregivers and support systems for children and adolescents with ADHD, we strive to obtain and provide as much assistance and support to our children in order to help them achieve confidence, abilities, success and happiness.
The ADHD Support Group of Sudbury aims to provide a safe, open, relaxed and friendly environment in which we can all share valuable information, professional resources and personal experiences. We welcome you to attend our monthly meetings. Bring a coffee and feel free to invite other adults who may be facing challenges with children or adolescents in their ADHD environments. We begin our meetings with updates, and then have open or topic based discussions. Any presentations or guest speakers will be added as confirmed and an update will be sent out.
For further information, please feel free to contact our group facilitators at one of the following;
Julie: 705-525-6313
Jessica: 705-693-0784
To be added to our confidential email list to receive information, resources and updates please send a request to:
Like us on Facebook for updates and information: ADHD Support Group of Sudbury
The ADHD Support Group of Sudbury aims to provide a safe, open, relaxed and friendly environment in which we can all share valuable information, professional resources and personal experiences. We welcome you to attend our monthly meetings. Bring a coffee and feel free to invite other adults who may be facing challenges with children or adolescents in their ADHD environments. We begin our meetings with updates, and then have open or topic based discussions. Any presentations or guest speakers will be added as confirmed and an update will be sent out.
For further information, please feel free to contact our group facilitators at one of the following;
Julie: 705-525-6313
Jessica: 705-693-0784
To be added to our confidential email list to receive information, resources and updates please send a request to:
Like us on Facebook for updates and information: ADHD Support Group of Sudbury
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
To be seen: Clients/families may self refer
No need to register, just come and attend our meetings at your convenience
Area Served: Sudbury District No need to register, just come and attend our meetings at your convenience
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Show All +Last modified Mar 5, 2018 10:08am