Vancouver Coastal, BC
DISCLAIMER -- Private practice individuals are listed for informational purposes only. Although we do our best to ensure that only qualified professionals are listed in our directory, we do not have the ability to individually screen every listing. Prior to seeing any individual, it is recommended that you check with the appropriate professional organization to ensure their qualifications.
Outpatient clinic focused on providing services to people with depression, anxiety and trauma. Variety of group programs (day treatment, trauma day treatment, evening treatment) as well as individual therapy sessions.

All group programs use a whole body approach to building awareness and resiliency. Core group psychotherapy sessions are augmented with sessions on nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, trauma-informed yoga, sleep hygiene, relationships, and communication skills. All group programs are followed by 6 months of free weekly support groups managed by a counsellor.

Day treatment: 5 hr/day x 3 days/week x 7 weeks
Trauma day treatment: 5 hr/day x 2 days/week x 10 weeks
Evening treatment: 3 hr/day x 2 days/week x 10 weeks

Individual therapists include psychologists, counsellors and social workers.
500-1122 Mainland Street
Vancouver, BC, V6B 5L1 Map
Ages served: 19 years and up
Languages served: English
Fees: Yes (Majority of services provided are not covered by provincial health plan and thus would be paid privately or through supplemental insurance.)
To be seen: Clients/families may self refer
Mood and/or anxiety disorder is present. Co-occurring substance use or disordered eating is acceptable as long as manageable.
Area Served: Vancouver Coastal
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This resource is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD)
Behaviour and Conduct Problems
Family, Marital, and Couple Therapy
Separation and Divorce
Social Skills and Life Skills
Psychologists and Psychological Associates
Social Workers
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Last modified Sep 14, 2019 10:50am