Cultural Interpretation Services for Our Communities (CISOC) |
CISOC Services:
* Consecutive Interpretation in 60 languages, on-site, by phone and by video (24/7365)
* Simultaneous Interpretation
* Translation into-and-from over 40 world languages
* Language proficiency assessment tool (CILISAT test)
* Interpretation certification training and testing
* Medical knowledge and terminology training and testing
* Language training
* Intercultural training
* Consecutive Interpretation in 60 languages, on-site, by phone and by video (24/7365)
* Simultaneous Interpretation
* Translation into-and-from over 40 world languages
* Language proficiency assessment tool (CILISAT test)
* Interpretation certification training and testing
* Medical knowledge and terminology training and testing
* Language training
* Intercultural training
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese
Fees: Yes
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton This resource is listed under these topics
Show All +Last modified Dec 7, 2015 8:23pm