Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
occur when a person drinks so much alcohol that it causes problems at home, work or one's relationships.
occur when a person drinks alcohol to the point where it causes problems with home, school, work or relationships.
is when someone uses alcohol excessively, to the point that it causes problems in their life, such as problems with their physical health, their relationships, and their function at school, work or home.
is an urge to gamble despite having negative, harmful consequences.
is excessive use of recreational drugs (such as marijuana) to the point where it causes problems at school, work or home.
are problems with using substances such as marijuana, cocaine, opioids (such as heroin), ecstasy and also includes misuse of prescription medications.
Technology addiction (including mobile devices and internet addiction, aka cyberaddiction) is a condition where individuals use technology so much, to the point where it is causing problems with relationships and daily function at home, school or work.