Ontario, ON

Screening Tool: Bipolar Disorders (in Adults)

This survey is designed to provide a quick assessment of whether you might have signs and symptoms related to a bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. However, no test is 100% accurate. No matter what your score is, you should seek help if you have any concerns about yourself or your loved ones.


The Goldberg Bipolar Screening Quiz is designed to detect the extreme swings in mood that can be seen in bipolar.


The 12 items below refer to how you have felt and behaved over much of your life. If you have usually been one way, and have recently changed, then your responses should reflect how you have USUALLY been. Choose the most appropriate, closest response for each...

1. At times I am much more talkative or speak much faster than usual.
2. There have been times when I was much more active or did many more things than usual.
3. I get into moods where I feel very speeded up or irritable.
4. There have been times when I felt both high (elated) and low (depressed) at the same time.
5. At times I have been much more interested in sex than usual.
6. My self-confidence ranges from great self-doubt to equally great overconfidence.
7. There have been GREAT variations in the quantity or quality of my work.
8. For no apparent reason I sometimes have been VERY angry or hostile.
9. I have periods of mental dullness and other periods of very creative thinking.
10. At times I am greatly interested in being with people and at other times I just want to be left alone with my thoughts.
11. I have had periods of great optimism and other periods of equally great pessimism.
12. I have had periods of tearfulness and crying and other times when I laugh and joke excessively.

This questionnaire was adapted from the printed version of the Goldberg Bipolar Screening Questionnaire, developed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg.