Resources for Sudbury are proudly managed by the Child and Family Centre (CFC).

Domestic Violence

Scoring Key
Scores range from 4-20. A score of >10 is felt to be positive, which suggests you may be in an abusive relationship. But no matter what your score is, if you have concerns about yourself or your loved one(s), you should seek help.

HITS is copyrighted in 2003 by Kevin Sherin MD, MPH. Sincere thanks to Dr. Kevin Sherin of the Florida Department of Health for permission to use the HITS screening tool. 


For more information about this survey

  • Sherin KM, Sinacore JM, Li Q, Zitter RE, Shkil A: HITS, a short domestic violence screening tool for use in a family practice setting. Family Medicine. 1998 Jul-Aug; 30(7): 508-12.
  • Libschutz JM, Rothman EF: The HITS Screening Tool for Domestic Violence, New England Journal of Medicine 2012;367:2071-2073.