Treatment, education, research, consultation services
Program/Service of : Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to manage continuing needs at the community level of service. Unit demographics and population may change based on referral patterns, to best meet the needs of dual diagnosis and/or mental health populations.
Our units provide assessment, consultation and short-term treatment based on the individualized clinical needs and identified goals of children/youth with complex multiple needs.
AGENCY TO AGENCY COMMUNITY CONSULTATION: Offered to community agencies providing assessment and/or treatment to children/youth with a variety of concerning behaviours. Your agency can consult with CPRI's clinical team for support, feedback, or further recommendations for a child/youth you are currently working with. A separate referral form is required for this service.
ATTACHMENT CONSULTATION & EDUCATION SERVICE (ACES): For children/youth with an attachment disturbance or disorder.
INTERDISCIPLINARY AUTISM SERVICES (IAS): For children/youth with suspected or confirmed complex Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or whose symptoms are suggestive of ASD with additional complex concerns.
BRAKE SHOP: For children/youth with a diagnosed or suspected tic disorder, and/or disinhibition disorders (ADHD, OCD) who may or may not be experiencing tics. DUAL
DIAGNOSIS BEHAVIOUR & ANXIETY CLINIC: For children/youth with an intellectual disability, as well as severe psychiatric concerns, behaviour problems, or emotional disorders.
HOMESHARE: Specialized family placement program for children/youth who have multiple disabilities.
HOME VISITING PROGRAM FOR INFANTS (HVPI): For children aged birth to 6 years who have or are at risk of having a developmental delay and who live in London-Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Huron, and Perth counties. Client needs are assessed through the Developmental Resource for Infants (DRI) Steering Committee.
MOOD & ANXIETY: Provides comprehensive diagnostic assessment and consultation for children/youth with complex symptoms that suggest a query of a mood and/or anxiety disorder.
SELECTIVE MUTISM: For children and youth who have restricted speech in one or more settings for at least 2 months.
SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS: For children/youth who display concerning sexualized behaviour which has a negative impact on their relationships at home, school and in the community.
GENERAL CLINICAL SERVICES: May include diagnostic clarification, medication review and community consultation or second opinion.
Our units provide assessment, consultation and short-term treatment based on the individualized clinical needs and identified goals of children/youth with complex multiple needs.
AGENCY TO AGENCY COMMUNITY CONSULTATION: Offered to community agencies providing assessment and/or treatment to children/youth with a variety of concerning behaviours. Your agency can consult with CPRI's clinical team for support, feedback, or further recommendations for a child/youth you are currently working with. A separate referral form is required for this service.
ATTACHMENT CONSULTATION & EDUCATION SERVICE (ACES): For children/youth with an attachment disturbance or disorder.
INTERDISCIPLINARY AUTISM SERVICES (IAS): For children/youth with suspected or confirmed complex Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or whose symptoms are suggestive of ASD with additional complex concerns.
BRAKE SHOP: For children/youth with a diagnosed or suspected tic disorder, and/or disinhibition disorders (ADHD, OCD) who may or may not be experiencing tics. DUAL
DIAGNOSIS BEHAVIOUR & ANXIETY CLINIC: For children/youth with an intellectual disability, as well as severe psychiatric concerns, behaviour problems, or emotional disorders.
HOMESHARE: Specialized family placement program for children/youth who have multiple disabilities.
HOME VISITING PROGRAM FOR INFANTS (HVPI): For children aged birth to 6 years who have or are at risk of having a developmental delay and who live in London-Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Huron, and Perth counties. Client needs are assessed through the Developmental Resource for Infants (DRI) Steering Committee.
MOOD & ANXIETY: Provides comprehensive diagnostic assessment and consultation for children/youth with complex symptoms that suggest a query of a mood and/or anxiety disorder.
SELECTIVE MUTISM: For children and youth who have restricted speech in one or more settings for at least 2 months.
SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS: For children/youth who display concerning sexualized behaviour which has a negative impact on their relationships at home, school and in the community.
GENERAL CLINICAL SERVICES: May include diagnostic clarification, medication review and community consultation or second opinion.
Ages served: Up to 18 years
Languages served: English, Interpretation upon request
Fees: None
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