Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) |
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) is part of Ontario's Ministry of the Attorney General, and delivers a unique and diverse range of services that safeguard the legal, personal and financial interests of certain private individuals and estates.
These include:
* Managing finances of incapable people who have no one else that is authorized to do so
* Make decisions about personal care in order to protect an individual from extreme physical risk
* Appoint a client's relative to act as a guardian of proprety
These include:
* Managing finances of incapable people who have no one else that is authorized to do so
* Make decisions about personal care in order to protect an individual from extreme physical risk
* Appoint a client's relative to act as a guardian of proprety
This resource is listed under these topics
Last modified Dec 13, 2024 9:54am