Brant County, ON
French Canadian Association for Parents of Children with Dyslexia or other Learning Disabilities (AFPED+)
Association for francophone parents of children with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD.
205A-435 rue Donald
Ottawa, ON, K1K 4X5 Map
1-877-742-3677 x7073 (Toll Free)
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: French, parents angophones dont les enfants fréquentent les écoles de langue française
Fees: Yes (adhésion pour profiter des rabais aux conférences et formations parentales)
Area Served: Ontario
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This resource is listed under these topics

Learning Disorders
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Last modified Dec 30, 2017 11:57am