Vancouver Island, BC

Medical Services

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A healthy mind and spirit relies on having a healthy body as well, and this section has information on key medical resources of interest to those with mental health issues. This is not an exhaustive list of resources and services, but highlights those which might be of interest to individuals with mental health issues.

You may also be interested in the following subheadings:

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Provides acute care for emergency situations and medical stabilization.  more
375 2nd Avenue, Campbell River, BC, V9W 3V1 Map
Area Served: Vancouver Island
All ages
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1. Hospitals

Most hospitals have mental health services which may include Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and other professionals. Programs offered typically include:

  • Outpatient programs, where one comes to the hospital for mental health services;
  • Day treatment, or partial hospitalization programs, where a person comes for treatment for longer periods or more frequently, for more intensive therapy than one would receive from simply seeing an outpatient therapist or clinician;
  • Inpatient programs, where a person is admitted to hospital in order to provide a high level of supervision and care until the condition improves enough so that the person can be treated as an outpatient.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Admission for Anorexia Nervosa. Weight and medical stabilization. Dietitian and meal support, supervised activity, referral to eating disorder group. more
1 Hospital Way, Victoria, BC, V8Z 6R5 Map
Area Served: Vancouver Island
Up to 17 years
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Provides ongoing psychiatric treatment and case management support for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness.   Services include * ... more
2328 Trent Street, Victoria, BC, V8R 4Z3 Map
Area Served: Vancouver Island
All ages
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Admission for medical stabilization - emergency situations only. more
3949 Port Alberni Hwy, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 1A1 Map
Area Served: Vancouver Island
Up to 19 years
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BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, agencies of the Provincial Health Services Authority serves infants, children and youth. ... more
4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3N1 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
Up to 18 years
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BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services provides specialized treatment for clients with complex concurrent disorders in B.C. Clients are referred to the ... more
Vancouver, BC Map
Area Served: British Columbia
All ages
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Serves adults (from anywhere in the province), aged 17 years or older, with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and eating disorder not otherwise ... more
1081 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
17 years and up
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Physician referrals required. Medical and psychosocial assessments provided after referrals are accepted. Treatment services offered are Intensive Treatment ... more
1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
17 years and up
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2. Family Physicians

Family physicians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a family physician can provide help on where to go for additional help and support.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Group program is a physician-led program for adult patients (17.5-75 years old) who want to learn practical ... more
Victoria, BC, V9B 6K8
Area Served: British Columbia
17 - 75 years
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The College helps ensure the protection and safety of patients by licensing physicians and ensuring that they meet standards for competency. The website has a "Find a Physician" feature. more
669 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 0B4 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
All ages
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A non-profit professional association of physicians, organized to: * Develop and protect standards of practice of psychotherapy by physicians. * Provide ... more
312 Oakwood Court, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3C8 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

Lisa Barnes Counselling
58 Station Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 6X2 Map
Area Served: Vancouver Island
Accepting patients: Unknown
15 years and up
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3. Hospital Emergency Department

Is there an emergency such as medical or mental health emergency? If less intense options (e.g. calling a crisis line) are not possible or haven't helped, then it may be helpful to visit the local hospital Emergency Department. Typical mental health emergencies include:

* thoughts of suicide to the point where the person requires emergency help to keep them from ending their life; 

* manic episode or psychosis where a person is behaving in an irrational way with inability to function. 


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4. Pediatricians

Pediatricians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a pediatrician can give advice on where to go for additional help and support.

Unfortunately, there are no results for this heading. Pediatricians
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Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Catchment: Vancouver Island
Resource Guide developed by Families Organized for Recognition and Care Equality (FORCE).
Posted: Jun 2, 2017
Language: EN