Toronto, ON

Those professionals who work with clients and their families and caregivers

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Publicly Funded / Free Services

The Aboriginal Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Child Nutrition Program is a program offered by Aboriginal organizations across the province for families ... more
ON, Canada
1-866-821-7770 (Toll Free)
Area Served: Ontario
All ages
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The Ministry of Children and Youth Services administers the following statutes: Child and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. C.11 (except for sections ... more
ON, Canada
1-866-821-7770 (Toll Free)
Area Served: Ontario
All ages
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The Kaiser Foundation’s National Awards for Excellence Program in mental health and addictions initiatives is a national program which honours the ... more
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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One of the key initiatives of the Mental Health Commission of Canada is to develop a Mental Health Strategy for Canada. As part of the strategy the Child and ... more
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
Up to 18 years
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Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Community Resource Connections of Toronto (CRCT)
Catchment: Toronto
Finding mental health services can be complicated, especially for newcomers. This guide for newcomers helps with navigating and finding mental health services in Toronto.
Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Catchment: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN