Toronto, ON

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

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Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a medical treatment most commonly used for patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder that has not responded to other treatments. It involves a brief electrical stimulation of the brain while the patient is under anesthesia. ECT can be life saving when other treatments have been tried without success.


Unfortunately, our database does not have any resources under this category for Toronto, ON. If you know of any resources that should be in our database, let us know.
Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Community Resource Connections of Toronto (CRCT)
Catchment: Toronto
Finding mental health services can be complicated, especially for newcomers. This guide for newcomers helps with navigating and finding mental health services in Toronto.
Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Language: EN
Catchment: Ontario
List of aboriginal mental health services in Ontario created by the Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative (OAHAI).
Posted: Sep 16, 2015
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Catchment: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN