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Mental Health Professionals

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This section has information on how to find different types of (mental) health professionals.

1. Aboriginal Elders, Traditional Healers and Teachers

Aboriginal elders, traditional healers and teachers help the people using traditional healing practices, which existed even prior to Western medical practices.  There are many forms of healing. Some healers work with plants and medicines, some may counsel, and some use ceremonies such as the sweat lodge.

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2. Audiologist

The practice of audiology is the assessment of hearing function (aka auditory function) and the treatment and prevention of problems with hearing (aka auditory dysfunction).


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3. Behavioural, Developmental Therapists/Consultants

Behavioral Consultants are individuals with specialized training in applied behaviour analysis, or a closely related discipline (e.g. psychology, special education, human development) with an emphasis in applied behaviour analysis. They work with individuals with conditions such as autism, developmental disabilities or mental retardation.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

La plateforme Autisme-Asperger-Québec (AAQc) se veut une plateforme informative, éducative et inclusive sur l’autisme, les troubles du spectre de ... more
QC, Canada
Areas Served: Quebec, World
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The Behavior Analyst Certification Board®, Inc. (BACB®) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation established in 1998 to meet professional credentialing needs ... more
1929 Buford Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL, 32308 Map
Area Served: World
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4. Child and Youth Counsellors

Child and Youth Counsellors (CYCs) perform various services to help children, adolescents, and young adults, which include: assessing maladaptive behaviour patterns and socio-emotional functioning in children, adolescents, and young adults; helping with the prevention and treatment of conditions in the individual, family, and community, in order to develop, maintain, and promote emotional, social, behavioural, and interpersonal wellbeing within the context of daily living. (adapted from the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Counselors).


They may work in private practice, or with an organization such as a hospital, school, or community agency.

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5. Family Physicians

Family physicians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a family physician can provide help on where to go for additional help and support.

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6. Family, Marriage and Couple Therapists

A marriage, couple and family therapist specializes in helping concerns and problems in couple or family relationships.


Marriage, couple and family therapy can be given by any professional that has sufficient training, which usually tends to be social workers, psychologists or psychiatrists.


Unlike traditional therapy where the therapist just meets with the individual, family counselling and therapy is where the therapist meets with the individual and one or more family members. The idea is that no matter what the difficulty is, others in the family are part of the solution and thus need to be involved in the therapy or treatment.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Professional association for the field of marriage and family therapy, and provides certification for marriage and family therapists in the United States and ... more
112 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314-3061 Map
Area Served: World
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Psychology Today's Therapy Directory lists clinical professionals, psychiatrists and treatment centers who provide mental health services in the US and internationally. more
AK, United States
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7. Justice Sector (including Law Enforcement, Justice and Corrections)

Individuals with mental health needs may come into contact with the Justice Sector, and similarly, those within the Justice Sector may encounter those with mental health needs.

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8. Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have received specialized training in diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions (such as psychotherapy and medication treatment). Some work in hospitals or mental health agencies. They may also work  on their own in "private practice." Because physicians are publicly-funded, one does not need to pay any fees to see a psychiatrist, even for those in private practice.


Looking for a psychiatrist? The best way to see a psychiatrist is to speak to your family doctor to ask about whether seeing a psychiatrist would be helpful. Seeing a psychiatrist requires a referral from your physician.


Looking for a list of psychiatrists in your area? Unfortunately, because demand for psychiatrists is so high, and they are relatively few, it is very difficult to find any lists of psychiatrists. The best option is usually to contact the medical licensing body for whichever province you are in (for example, in Ontario, you would contact the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.)


Consider seeing a psychologist instead! Psychologists are similar to psychiatrists as they can both provide mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Although psychologists do not treat using medications, the good news is for most conditions, non-medication treatments make a huge difference, such that many times, medications are not even required.  View psychologists in your area.

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9. Psychologists and Psychological Associates

Psychologists and psychological associates help people solve problems with mood, behaviour or relationships. They perform assessment of, and provide diagnoses and treatment of mental health difficulties for children, adults, couples, and families who present with cognitive, emotional and behavioural challenges. They also perform psychoeducational testing for individuals with learning difficulties. They may use therapies such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), behavioural therapies.


They may work as part of an agency, or in "private practice" (which means they will require payment from the client, or the client's private or work insurance).

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Psychology Today's Therapy Directory lists clinical professionals, psychiatrists and treatment centers who provide mental health services in the US and internationally. more
AK, United States
Area Served: World
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

United States
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10. Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists (OT) help people function in school or work through learning skills, or by adapting their work or school environment. OTs can assist with mental health by teaching sensory processing and self-regulation strategies; help with fine and gross motor.


OTs usually work with organizations such as schools or through the school board, and some also work in private practices.

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11. Pediatricians

Pediatricians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a pediatrician can give advice on where to go for additional help and support.

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12. Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists treat injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments.
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13. Psychotherapists

Psychotherapists provide psychotherapy (aka "talk therapy") and help individuals with difficulties by listening and giving support. 


Special training is required in order to become a psychotherapist.


Various types of professionals such as Social Workers or Psychologists provide psychotherapy, and can thus be viewed as being psychotherapists as well. 

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Psychology Today's Therapy Directory lists clinical professionals, psychiatrists and treatment centers who provide mental health services in the US and internationally. more
AK, United States
Area Served: World
All ages
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

United States
Area Served: World
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14. Recreational Therapist

Recreational therapists improve people's physical, cognitive and social well being, by using recreation and leisure They work in many settings including mental health agencies, hospitals, rehabilitation programs and long-term care.  

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15. Registered Dieticians

A dietitian (RD or PDt) is a regulated health professional that helps people ensure that food is enhancing their lives and improving health. Dieticians can help people cope with issues and conditions such as diabetes, heart health, cancer, infant feeding, picky eating, allergies, digestive disorders, pregnancy, vegetarian diets, as well as eating disorders and healthy eating.  

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16. Registered Early Childhood Educator

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17. Registered Nurses

Registered nurses (RN) may be involved with providing mental health care for people of all ages. They may work in many settings including hospitals, addiction and substance use programs, assertive community treatment programs, community health centres, health teams, rehabilitation programs as well as schools. Usually they work alongside other mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and allied health professionals such as occupational health.

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18. Social Workers

Social workers help people to deal with problems in their personal, family or work life. They help by providing counselling or therapy, or by helping people find necessary resources. Social workers can work in many settings, including family services agencies, children's aid agencies, hospitals, and schools. Many social workers also work in private practice.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

La plateforme Autisme-Asperger-Québec (AAQc) se veut une plateforme informative, éducative et inclusive sur l’autisme, les troubles du spectre de ... more
QC, Canada
Areas Served: Quebec, World
All ages
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Psychology Today's Therapy Directory lists clinical professionals, psychiatrists and treatment centers who provide mental health services in the US and internationally. more
AK, United States
Area Served: World
All ages
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

United States
Area Served: World
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19. Speech and Language Pathologists

Speech and language pathologists (SLP) are professionals who work with individuals having specific needs with speech and language, and may also help with feeding and swallowing issues.

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20. Neurologists

Neurologists are specialists who treat diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. Neurological conditions include dementia, epilepsy, stroke and multiple sclerosis (MS). 

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21. Veteran's Affairs approved service provider

Unfortunately, there are no results for this heading. Veteran's Affairs approved service provider
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