Northwest Territories, AB
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Family, Marital, and Couple Therapy

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A marriage, couple and family therapist specializes in helping concerns and problems in couple or family relationships. Marriage, couple and family therapy can be given by any professional that has sufficient training, which usually tends to be social workers, psychologists or psychiatrists.


Unlike traditional therapy where the therapist just meets with the individual, family counselling and therapy is where the therapist meets with the individual and one or more family members. The idea is that no matter what the difficulty is, others in the family are part of the solution and thus need to be involved in the therapy or treatment.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Sakeenah Homes is a transitional home for Muslim women and children who may be facing violence, homelessness, financial or immigration issues. Our mission is ... more
5659 McAdam Rd, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1N9 Map
Areas Served: Ontario, Canada
All ages
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(formally the Registry of Marriage and Family Therapists in Canada) exists to promote the profession and practice of individual, couple, and family therapy in ... more
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
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FRP Canada promotes the well-being of families by providing national leadership, consultation and resources to those who care for children and support ... more
331 Cooper Street, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0G5 Map
Area Served: Canada
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Family Mediation Canada is an interdisciplinary association of lawyers, social workers, human services and health care professionals, working together, ... more
55 Northfield Drive East, Waterloo, ON, N2K 3T6 Map
1-877-200-5519 x5853118
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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Professional association for the field of marriage and family therapy, and provides certification for marriage and family therapists in the United States and ... more
112 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314-3061 Map
Area Served: World
All ages
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

2143 Avenue du Suroit, Mascouche, QC, J7L 4G4
1-877-254-3348 (Toll Free)
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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