Please note:
Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (North, ON)
If you know of any resources that should be in our database, feel free to help out your community by letting us know.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
Research & Evaluation
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Map
All ages
The Knowledge Institute brings people and knowledge together to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of mental health and addictions services for children, ...
695 Industrial Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0Z1 Map
Area Served: Ontario
All ages
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions :
Child and Youth Mental Health Program Evaluation and Research
The Provincial Centre of Excellence offers assistance to child/youth mental health service providers to conduct program evaluatio. To qualify, agencies must be ...
ON, Canada
Area Served: Ontario
Up to 18 years
The Provincial Centre of Excellence offers a wide variety of grants and awards to mental health professionals for research, program evaluation and other issues.
401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1 Map
Area Served: Ontario
Up to 18 years
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) :
Minister's Advisory Group on Mental Health and Addictions - Progress Report on the 10-Year Strategy
This Advisory Group will help lay the foundation for a 10-year Strategy on mental health and addictions needs and priorities.
Ontarians from all ...
ON, Canada
Area Served: Ontario
All ages
Non-profit organization created to focus national attention on mental health issues and to work to improve the health and social outcomes of people living with ...
Ottawa, ON Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
One of the key initiatives of the Mental Health Commission of Canada is to develop a Mental Health Strategy for Canada. As part of the strategy the Child and ...
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
Up to 18 years
Regulatory body that provides membership, certification, training and clinical supervision for Play Therapists and students locally for Canadians. Play Therapy International affiliated.
466 Wellington Street, London, ON, N6A 3P8 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Canada wide inter-disciplinary collaboration among psychotherapy clinicians, educators, researchers, knowledge users, and professional organizations. The ...
501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L6 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Information on Canada’s infants, children, teens, adolescents, students, and young adults. Topics include child care arrangements, crime, education, health, ...
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0T6 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
ON, Canada
Area Served: Ontario
All ages