Huron County, ON
Please note: Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Huron County, ON)
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Brainspotting (BSP)

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Brainspotting (BSP) is relatively newer type of psychological treatment developed to help people with stress, anxiety and trauma. In many people, standard talking therapies are not effective, perhaps because their logical and emotional brains are overwhelmed by the stress and trauma. In brainspotting, the target is the survival (‘subcortical’) brain, with the use of focused mindfulness and specific eye movements. This allows painful, distressing memories to be processed so that they are no longer distressing, allowing people to heal from past traumatic experiences.


Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

The Holding Space: Virtual & Mobile Counselling & Family Care
33497 Bevan Ave., Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6H5
Areas Served: Fraser, Ontario, British Columbia
All ages
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Resource Lists by Other Organizations
Catchment: Ontario
List of aboriginal mental health services in Ontario created by the Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative (OAHAI).
Posted: Sep 16, 2015
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Catchment: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN