Fraser, BC


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Most hospitals have mental health services which may include Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and other professionals. Programs offered typically include:

  • Outpatient programs, where one comes to the hospital for mental health services;
  • Day treatment, or partial hospitalization programs, where a person comes for treatment for longer periods or more frequently, for more intensive therapy than one would receive from simply seeing an outpatient therapist or clinician;
  • Inpatient programs, where a person is admitted to hospital in order to provide a high level of supervision and care until the condition improves enough so that the person can be treated as an outpatient.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Outpatient Dietitians offer nutrition counseling. Usually by physician referral. more
3935 Kincaid Street, Burnaby, BC Map
Area Served: Fraser
All ages
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BC Children’s Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, agencies of the Provincial Health Services Authority serves infants, children and youth. ... more
4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3N1 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
Up to 18 years
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BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services provides specialized treatment for clients with complex concurrent disorders in B.C. Clients are referred to the ... more
Vancouver, BC Map
Area Served: British Columbia
All ages
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Serves adults (from anywhere in the province), aged 17 years or older, with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and eating disorder not otherwise ... more
1081 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
17 years and up
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Physician referrals required. Medical and psychosocial assessments provided after referrals are accepted. Treatment services offered are Intensive Treatment ... more
1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
17 years and up
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